Picking shields for a customer in the UK...
These shields can be found in the Palace of the Realm, in the Tekumel Club shop.
Left Column:
Tek-Shield-1 "Laughing Man"
Tek-Shield-10 "Shouting Goddess"
Tek-Shield-12 "Horse Eater"
Tek-Shield-13 "Demon"
Tek-Shield-16 "Bat"
Middle Column:
Tek-Shield-11 "Maiden Guard"
Tek-Shield-5 "Mother's Guard"
Tek-Shield-2 "Princess Guard"
Tek-Shield-14 "Succubus 1"
Tek-Shield-15 "Succubus 2"
Right Column:
Tek-Shield-7 "Serpent Guard (small)"
Tek-Shield-8 "Serpent Guard (large)"
Tek-Shield-9 "Skull Shield"
Tek-Shield-6 "Merchant"
Tek-Shield-3 "Ogre"
Tek-Shield-4 "Boar's Head"
Bottom two rows are misc Shen shields including the original design, that borne by a mercenary unit in Salarvyani service*, upper left, and - on the right - Tsolyani Shen shields**.
* as depicted in the Battle of Ry account.
** as shown in the Tsolyani Army Book.